Thumbs Down
Under the name Thumbs Down, a group of young people from a Catholic church community in late-1960s Chicago decide to denounce the Vietnam War. Can a true Christian support such a war? After all, isn’t loving one’s neighbor the most important expression of Christian faith, and isn’t one of the Ten Commandments “Thou shalt not kill”?
To present this burning issue to their fellow parishioners, the group prepares an impassioned sermon. The film follows the young people from their preparations to the final church service. In living rooms and diners, they passionately debate the struggle between their faith, which calls for peace and love, and the political realities of the day.
At the same time, dozens of wars have been fought for the right to practice this faith. Is it wrong to defend your rights when they are under threat? What would Christ have done? The reactions from churchgoers, parents, and clergy vividly illustrate the simmering generational divide and herald the dawn of changing times.