Ndagukunda déjà
Het Documentaire Paviljoen
Ndagukunda déjà

Ndagukunda déjà

Sébastien Desrosiers, David Findlay
Canada, Rwanda
21 min

Canadian journalist Sébastien Desrosiers knew hardly anything about the Rwandan side of his family. But when he first met his father at the age of 28, he decided to go in search of his roots.

In 2019 he travels to Rwanda, intending to immerse himself in the local culture. But he soon comes to the conclusion that everyone sees him as a muzungu, a Westerner. He is able to gain a deeper understanding when he meets his African relatives—25 years after the genocide against the Tutsis, Desrosiers still has many questions about what actually happened to his uncles and aunts.

The mourning has never ended, the filmmaker learns through one of the few survivors in his family. The open wounds of Desrosiers’ uncle and father become his own. Against the background of deep family grief, Ndagukunda déjà (‘I love you already’) thus offers an intimate and sincere view of self-discovery.

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