Our Body x Battlefield of Dreams
Our Body x Battlefield of Dreams
Theater Utrecht and Het Documentaire Paviljoen join forces to explore one of the most intimate and universal questions of our time.

Inspired by Claire Simon’s observational film Our Body (2023), the team behind Battlefield of Dreams of Theater Utrecht and Floor Houwink Ten Cate will dive deeper into the existential question : to reproduce, or not to reproduce. The interdisciplinary performance Battlefield of Dreams brings together documentary, opera, talk show and theatre exploring all sides around fertility. The film Our Body offers offers a profound insightinto being in a body and what it's like to live in it, by showing unique stories of people in all stages of life-young and old, cisgender and trans and addressing topics such as fertility, illness and  transitions.

After watching Claire Simon’s intimate account, the audience will be invited to join a conversation together with writer and director Floor Houwink ten Cate, midwife and researcher Bahareh Goodarzi and composer Annelinde Bruijs.

Battlefield of Dreams, which will start touring again in 2025, explores the broad spectrum of emotions and experiences around this existential question of reproduction. From abortions to fertility treatments and IVF, or simply the questions: Do I want a child? Could I have a child? And how would I approach parenthood? 
Tickets & Times
Sun, october 27
13:00 – 17:32
Het Documentaire Paviljoen: De Spiegel
Subtitled in English
Our Body

Our Body

A story of life in the obstetrics and gynecology department, both deeply intimate, and clinically detailed. Claire Simon’s patient observations offer a profound insight into the female body and what it’s like to live in it.

Tickets & Times
Sun, october 27
13:00 – 17:32
Het Documentaire Paviljoen: De Spiegel
Subtitled in English
IDFA Institute

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