Circulating, distributing, smuggling: the power of the small file
Circulating, distributing, smuggling: the power of the small file

Dive into the critical potential of the small file within the context of digital culture and documentary art during this collaborative evening between The HmmSmall File Media Festival and Het Documentaire Paviljoen.

What does the small file offer us in terms of the circulation, exchange, or even smuggling of information? How does working with small formats open up the possibilities within constraint—creating and celebrating a new kind of small file aesthetics? 

In the last years there has been a huge increase in streaming, data hoarding, and the training and use of generative AI. The ecological burdens of these shifts in how how core nation-states use the internet and digital technologies are becoming ever more visible. Demands for data—which require cheap electricity, and seemingly infinite digital storage are strikingly political. Not only contributing to the inequitable impacts of the climate emergency, but also creating a divide between "data rich" and "data poor" countries. This digital divide can determine who has access to what, where, and when; creating an asymmetrical sharing of data in the form of video, texts, and images. 

This evening brings together 5 short films that were selected by The Hmm during the 2024 Small File Media Festival (SFMF). Each illustrating alternative solutions for media practice through creative and political usages of the small file.

Short film line-up
Restore by Minoo Iranpour Mobarakeh 
Is Every Republic Constructed on Flat Earth? By Clint Sleeper 
Walking through a Nile Codex Mena El Shazly & Omnia Sabry
THE RIVER by Anabela Costa
I do not have enough money to buy new underwear by Jayson Sloan

Founded in 2020, SFMF aims to raise awareness of the high carbon footprint of streaming media, and proposes alternative solutions for media practice, as well as creating new modes of thinking. These films, ranging from humorous animations to politically censored content that was damaged and then restored, encompass the power and possibilities of the small image. 

Tickets & Times
Wed, march 26
20:00 – 21:30
Het Documentaire Paviljoen: De Spiegel
Subtitled in English
Tickets & Times
Wed, march 26
20:00 – 21:30
Het Documentaire Paviljoen: De Spiegel
Subtitled in English
IDFA Institute

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