Tomorrow Never Knows
Tomorrow Never Knows\'85people, longing, loss, and love on a hard road.Heavily charged with the absurdities of modern life, the film is a commentary on the theme when on a hard road, with nothing but the clothes on your back\'85. The main characters are Pontus who suddenly finds a future ahead of him after years of homelessness, and Marina, his former girlfriend still out there in the cold. Unexpectedly, the road stretches broad and straight in front of him, to a Best In Class at the Royal Institute of Technology, the cosy sofa of at TV talk show. All he needs now is a place of his own. For Marina the struggle of survival is hard, and prejudices are many. On the more unusual everyday heroes, Tomorrow Never Knows gives us a new take on the losers we meet on the streets. Sometimes nightmarish, sometimes hysterically funny, often visually striking. For cinema and television distribution, on the unbounded human desire to find a home. Documentary 114\'b4min Digital Copy alt 35mm/English SubtitlesSweden 2006, Shooting Format 35 mm/dvcam, Direction: Kirsi NevantiCamera: Robert Nordstr\'f6mMusic: Freddie WadlingEdit: Jan AlvermarkAnimations: Animatrics Production: Camera32With: Pontus Torpef\'e4lt, Marina H\'e5llen, Kjell S\'fchr, Markku Holmstr\'f6m