The lives of the three Mexican brothers Diego, Rodriguez, and Bruno take an unexpected turn when their father lands in jail, charged with elder neglect. Together with Rodriguez’s girlfriend, they take over the care of América, their elderly grandmother.
The transition to this new life with new responsibilities doesn’t come easily for the brothers. Diego is an Elvis impersonator who performs at parties and on the street, Rodriguez and his girlfriend give meditation workshops with singing bowls, and Bruno is a circus artist. Living together under one roof brings them closer together, but it also puts pressure on their relationship.
América is showered with love by all the brothers, especially Diego, but they also have to face the difficulties that dementia brings—particularly when it comes to personal hygiene. And then there’s the matter of the protracted court case against their father. América follows their daily lives over an extended period of time, with the camerawork reflecting the grace and lightness of touch displayed by the brothers in their dealings with their fragile grandmother.