Pizza in Auschwitz
About IDFA
Pizza in Auschwitz
IDFA 2008

Pizza in Auschwitz

Moshe Zimerman
52 min
Festival history

For a documentary about concentration camps, contains a whole lot of jokes. The title already suggests the tone of the film. And the jokes are painful ones, that's true. For Danny Chanoch, jokes have become the only way he can deal with the past. Along these lines, he claims to have a "PhD in Auschwitz" and refers to the annual remembrance day as "the high season." But he has said these things so many times by now that the wink that comes with them has long since disappeared.
is the story of a man who survived five concentration camps and has finally managed to convince his kids to visit the camp with him. The goal of the trip is to spend a night in Auschwitz in the same barracks where Chanoch once slept.
Instead of depicting the many silent witnesses of the horrors that took place at the camp, which is what directors usually do, filmmaker Moshe Zimmerman concentrates on the chaotic trip to get there. The result is a film about the Chanoch family as they deal with all the misery from the past, managing to get by in spite of it. A film full of sadness and self-mockery, and one that's about the here and now instead of history.

Involved TV Channel
    Channel 8
    Channel 8
World Sales
    Trabelsi Productions
    Trabelsi Productions
Screening copy
    Trabelsi Productions
    Trabelsi Productions