Buddha's Lost Children
In the borderlands of Thailand’s Golden Triangle, a rugged region known for its drug smuggling and hill tribes, one man devotes himself to the welfare of the region’s poorest children. A former Thai boxer, turned Buddhist monk, Phra Khru Bah (also known as the Tiger Monk), travels widely on horseback, fearlessly dispensing prayers, health care, education and tough love to villagers far from the protection and support of the outside world. With his Golden Horse Temple he's built an orphanage, school and clinic — a haven for the children of the region, who see him as a shaman, father figure and coach. Stunning cinematography, intimate filmmaking and a compelling story make this film an extraordinary experience of a hidden realm. BUDDHA'S LOST CHILDREN gives the term ‘grassroots Buddhism’ new meaning, and in the end it's the children's journey we share. Their transformation from neglected village boys to self-confident novices.