Cap or Kippah
Fourteen-year-old Bram is fed up with hiding the fact that he is Jewish. In fact, he's quite proud of it. The trouble is, he was seriously bullied about it in elementary school - the kids even sang "all Jews should be gassed" at him. He doesn't want the same thing happening now that he's in high school, so he lives in two worlds. In one he's a normal high school student, and in the other he's a Jew. We follow him in his daily activities in both worlds. There is one striking thing that brings the two worlds together, however, and that is Amsterdam's soccer team, Ajax. At their games, Bram can parade around carrying an Israeli flag without fear, as Ajax fans call themselves "Jews" - in their eyes, it is a badge of honor. Bram even has an Ajax "lucky kippah." In everyday life, he wears an Ajax cap or T-shirt. This dichotomy is also represented in the film's sound: right at the beginning of the film, the chanting of soccer fans merges with the sound of Hebrew prayers; sometimes one is more prevalent, then the other. At the end of the film, Bram makes a very clear choice.