The Forgotten Woman
About IDFA
The Forgotten Woman
IDFA 2008

The Forgotten Woman

Dilip Mehta
India, Canada
90 min
Festival history

A compelling film on the destiny of Indian widows. It is estimated that there are 20 million marginalised widows in India, left without any income or support and forced to make it on their own. Led by tradition, by family greed, superstition or convenience, children leave their mothers, families abandon widows and keep them out of their lives. Where do they go? What happens to them? How are they treated? This disturbing but beautiful film was inspired by the film by Deepa Mehta and shot and directed by her brother Dilip, a world-renowned photojournalist. He looks into life at Vrindavan, a Hindu ashram where widows from all over India come to find shelter and ultimately wait to die. What are the social values of a society whose tradition prescribes to keep widows isolated and ghettoised? This is just one of the important questions that the film tackles. Capturing the everyday life of women in their solitude, the filmmaker comes close to the intimate feelings of several vibrant characters. Some women spend even half of their lives in religious shelters where living can only be simple, silent and sad. Choosing several strong personalities, Dilip Mehta unveils stories and exposes the secrets of the religious places. Lyrical images full of melancholy make the story memorable.

Executive producer
Involved TV Channel
    Sundance Channel
    Sundance Channel
World Sales
    Hamilton Mehta Productions Inc.
    Hamilton Mehta Productions Inc.
Screening copy
    Hamilton Mehta Productions Inc.
    Hamilton Mehta Productions Inc.