Enjoy Your Meal - How Food Changes the World
Filmmaker Walter Grotenhuis remembers how he used to look forward to Sundays when he was a boy. That was the day that his family would eat meat for lunch. But several decades later, this is no longer the special occasion it was back then. On the contrary: thanks to globalization, we can eat whatever we want whenever we want, regardless of the season, and for the lowest prices imaginable. But what are the consequences? While a single delicious meal is prepared in a Dutch kitchen over the course of the film, Grotenhuis traces its ingredients, showing the effects of the production of the food on its environment. It leads him to Brazil, where the mass deforestation that is required for the cultivation of soybeans has a severe impact on the lives of a local Indian tribe. In the Philippines, the explosive growth of the number of shrimp farms leaves no room for local fisherman. And in Kenya, the mass cultivation of sugar snaps creates serious irrigation problems. Following in the footsteps of films like , ,and , questions the modern-day food industry without condemning it outright.