Over the Limit
“You’re not a human being, you’re an athlete,” 20-year-old Rita is told by one of her two merciless coaches. She’s preparing to represent Russia in rhythmic gymnastics at the Olympics in Brazil. The training is harsh, particularly in mental terms. However gracefully Rita catches rings or rolls a ball across her shoulders, her coaches expect more from her, time and again. Warmth and solace come in her scant free time, when she talks with her boyfriend on Skype or hangs out with her parents.
Over the Limit shows how the Russian system for training athletes transgresses boundaries. The film focuses on Rita’s state of mind—she seems to be perpetually on the verge of tears. The subtle editing and effective sound design allow us to feel her despair and pain, as well as the intense pressure she’s living under. Fortunately, the end comes as a relief.