Fin de siglo
'Fin de Siglo' (End of the Century) is a large warehouse in the Cuban capital Havana. In its shabbiness it reflects the deplorable state Cuban society is in. Although the building has a few floors there is hardly anything on sale. Most goods are rationed and often people only get coupons on special occasions. For example, on some floors only future couples or model workers can buy something. With extra coupons they can choose, for example, one pair of shoes or a towel. The shop assistants are well instructed. In spite of the scarcity they must make sure that the customer goes home satisfied. If they misbehave they are reprimanded in public or they are transferred to a less popular department. Some of them cheerfully accept this well nigh impossible task as their share in Castro's revolution and they are even prepared to work during holidays. But not everybody is equally motivated and there is a great deal of absentee ism among the employees. The hairdressing department has to cope with a lack of water and it has been ages since they had any shampoo. The management remains optimistic. They say it is only a temporary decline due to the American trade embargo.