Johan is a newcomer in the scouting club and is just about to go to scout camp for the very first time. Carrying a heavy pack on your back, sleeping in a tent in the woods, and above all: finding your way in a group of strangers – for Johan, it’s a challenge to survive. That’s why he still has a hotline to his mother; she gave him a cell phone especially for the occasion. Not that this really helps, for in the end he still has to do it all by himself. It's up to him to overcome his homesickness and make friends. “Talking to people is not something I’m really good at,” Johan says in the voice-over. Being on your own, however, can also give great strength, as he has seen in the movies. So whenever Johan has a difficult time, he imagines what this fearless survivor would say. Rambo’s pep talk never fails to restore his confidence. Then a flag from the neighboring camp gets stolen, and Johan is suspected. Will this bring a premature end to the scout camp? And if so, would Johan really care?