Sheriff Software
All over the world, simple webcams are used to keep an eye on city traffic. The images recorded by these cameras can often be found, unencrypted, on the Internet. In media artist Dries Depoorter allows us to peer over the police’s shoulder – or even play traffic cop ourselves. gives us an opportunity to watch traffic webcams and decide on the fate of pedestrians recklessly crossing the road Old security monitors display live webcam footage of intersections in different countries. A counter at the bottom of the screen shows how much the fines are for the offense, depending on the country where it’s being committed. Depoorter then presents us with a dilemma: will we report the unsuspecting jaywalker? A single click of a mouse can send a screenshot of the violation to the nearest police station. turns us into ultimate long-distance disaster tourists, virtually present at the scene of the crime in Seattle. In this city, which is filled to the brim with traffic cameras, the police make the calls they receive available online. Using the latest calls, the closest live webcams are constantly zooming in on the very latest violations.