On Our Own
Fourteen-year-old Sem and his best friends Berend and Max decide to go on vacation without their parents for the first time. And so they depart on a small motorboat with a tent and a stack of comics. As well as being fun and exciting, it turns out that vacations can have downsides too: is shopping really that expensive, what kind of gas does the boat need, and who's going to put up the tent? Sem, the natural leader, also has a secret he is going to have to work on. Fortunately, the boys feel pretty grown up already. Sem explains to the filmmaker why they decided to stop off at the family's little holiday home instead of going camping right away: "We can get the final things sorted. Like camping in the wilderness, but not too far from civilization." The friends take to flirting with girls like they were born to it, bravely steer their way through narrow locks, and talk about old times around their own campfire. But sometimes the rain comes down good and hard, and you can't run away from arguments on a deserted island.