The Corporation
About IDFA
The Corporation
IDFA 2003

The Corporation

Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott
145 min
Festival history
IDFA Special Jury Award for Feature-Length Documentary

In our capitalist society, the corporate world reigns supreme. Their dominance is not without danger: as instruments without conscience or morals – profit is their sole objective – they have already caused the world great harm. How do companies work? Are they pathological monsters or can they be challenged and reformed. What are the consequences for man and nature if the capitalist system keeps expanding unbridled? Do notorious cases of environmental pollution, tax fraud and consumer scams only involve a few ‘rotten apples’, as we are often told, or is there more to know? How can the State or individuals act against companies that abuse their power? Richly illustrated with an abundance of sometimes hilarious, sometimes shocking archive footage, THE CORPORATION takes the spectator on a journey through history and contemporary case studies, while prominent interviewees like Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, CEO Ray Anderson and Milton Friedman try to formulate visions of the future and negate persistent fallacies about the machinery behind private enterprises. Filmmakers Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott based their documentary on Joel Bakan’s non-fiction bestseller The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power. Their thorough investigation is not only highly informed, but also leads to striking conclusions that challenge thought and may stimulate action.

    Louisa Achille,
    Big Picture Media Corporation
Involved TV Channel
Screening copy
    Films Transit International Inc.
    Films Transit International Inc.