Travel in G Major
He’s been preparing this journey in meticulous detail for years, and now, at the age of 91, it’s time for Aimé Helbing to embark on his dream trip to Morocco. He’s accompanied by his grandson Georgi Lazarevski, who films him as they travel. Aimé may be elderly, but as a traveler he’s open-minded and disarmingly frank as Lazarevski’s camera patiently captures the effect of this adventure on his grandfather. As well as boosting his appetite, the change of surroundings makes him melancholy about his waning life and missed opportunities.
These scenes are accompanied by fragments from classical violin concertos. Music has always taken center stage in the former professional violinist’s life and in his marriage to Alice, whom we see in their apartment in Paris, listening with great pleasure and passion to concert recordings.
Far from home and his wife, Aimé expresses regret for never having performed as a soloist. Why didn’t he dare to ask the conductor? But this unassuming and charming gentleman also discovers unexpected facets of himself, as Lazarevski reveals in a beautiful final chord.