PUK* Bill
Most artificial intelligence is extremely functional, designed as it is to meet a human need. Floris Schönfeld created PUK*, an artificial intelligence that's independent, irrational and sometimes unreasonable. PUK* can't be understood in terms of the binary models of modern informatics. It's a distinct entity, with its own thoughts and experiential world utterly unlike our own. This means PUK* can come across as chaotic. Anyone wanting to understand it needs to try their best and to engage with it not as a user, but as an equal.Â
In PUK* Bill, Schönfeld interviews Bill, who entered into just such a relationship with PUK* by communicating in a truly personal way. Bill (actor William Miller) responds with increasing agitation to the questions the director asks him from outside the frame. These new relationships between man and machine are difficult to explain. Words do not suffice. The result is that this artificial intelligence remains undefined, which itself reinforces the idea that what we have here is something that's alive.