The Storm Makers
Half a million Cambodians work in foreign countries, and a third of them are being exploited as slaves. In Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan – but sometimes also in Europe and the United States – men work in construction or the shrimp industry and women as servants, factory workers or prostitutes. Their wages are ridiculously low and their work conditions harsh, and if they ever return home, they are often maimed and always traumatized. Director Guillaume Suon follows a girl who returned pregnant after two years of being exploited, as well as two “recruiters”: characters who make good money by enlisting young people. In Cambodia, they are called “storm makers.” According to one eyewitness, “When they arrive in a village, they bring the storm and tears with them.” Entire villages are empty after a visit from a recruiter who convinces parents to send their children abroad, hoping to secure a better future for them. But the promise of good money is always false and recruiters are all-powerful. In the words of one girl who came back, “There is no justice, rich people and traffickers always win.” A born-again Christian who is a successful recruiter enjoys his wealth without guilt. He fears only one thing: “I’m scared of losing the money I earned. I love money.”