IDFA 2008
A People in the Shadows
Shadow of War
Bani Khoshnoudi
90 min
World Premiere
Almost thirty years after the revolution, and twenty since the end of the Iran-Iraq war, "A People in the Shadows" takes us on a voyage into the heart of Tehran, a megalopolis of 14 million people. The city is still recovering from its past, as talk of sanctions and a possible American attack resonate. \par The film takes an intimate look at the way people live in this immense city today, caught up in the paradoxes and contradictions of their society, surrounded by images of death, and juggling state propaganda and foreign threat on a daily basis.
Bani Khoshnoudi,
Athina Rachel Tsangari
Bani Khoshnoudi,
Athina Rachel Tsangari
Screening copy
Pensee Sauvage Films
Pensee Sauvage Films