Mathilde Willink superpoes
On 25 October 1977, Mathilde Willink was found lying dead on her bed in her Amsterdam apartment. The end of a life that was characterised by extravagance and public interest. Born in Zeeland in 1938, Mathilda de Doelder became famous because of her relationship with the Dutch magic realist painter Carel Willink (born in 1900). After their marriage in 1967, the two developed a special relationship. He called her a superpussycat, a nice thing to have around the house. Initially, Mathilde supported the artist by working as an airhostess for KLM. Later on, Mathilde, dressed in eccentric clothes by Dutch fashion designer Fong Leng, grew into a media phenomenon, which caused an increased interest in her husband’s canvases. In 1975, Carel brusquely gave her the shove after she had seriously damaged a portrait from 1952 of his second wife and explaining to her that he had met a new love, Sylvia. Mathilde sought refuge with the Dutch artist Anton Heyboer and tried to penetrate Salvador Dali’s entourage. Eventually, she started a relationship with drug dealer Dicky Vittali and the luxury returned in her life. But in an atmosphere of threats and intimidations by competing drug Mafiosi, she was found dead. Various contemporaries and confidants present their views and opinions about the life and death of Mathilde. Filmmakers Jasmina Fekovic and Eddie van der Velden interlard the interviews and beautiful archive footage with music that seems to sing to Mathilde.