From the yellow desert of Niger to the white snow plains of Greenland: for 12 months, documentary filmmakers Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Christoph Meissl and Stefan Holzer travelled across the world, creating 12 20-minute reports from 12 different countries. In each country, they shot for three weeks, then deposited the footage in Vienna before continuing to the next continent one week later. Besides the Tuareg in Nigeria and the Inuit in Greenland, they followed a Finnish reindeer herdsman tearing across the virgin snow-white tundra on his sputtering scooter, the relational problems of a Namibian couple, the religious inspiration of an Indian woman and the consequences of oil production in Siberia. In Western Papua, a man tells about the Korowai's hunting techniques; in Australia, Aboriginals no longer play only the didgeridoo, but also Nintendo games, and in Canada a man who was born a Nisga'a tries to reconnect with the Nisga'a by learning their language. An 87-year-old woman from China is still busy performing her duties as head of the family, a fisherman from Sardinia preserves the traditional way of fishing, and a blind man from Micronesia "sees" the beauty of Woleai Atoll with his hands. From all 12 remote places on earth, wordless accounts are given of the influence of modernisation on daily life, which until recently was dominated by tradition.