There Goes My Heart
Six years ago, the was opened in Rotterdam, the first and so far only "old folk's home for junkies" in the Netherlands. The seven residents - four men and three women - are some of the oldest junkies in the city. Some have been addicted to drugs for almost 50 years. They all lived on the streets for a long time before ending up in this home. It is their safe haven after a long life of dope. Here, they can keep on using drugs, as long as they obey the regulations of the home. The atmosphere is that of an ordinary old people's home. The highlight of the week is payday, when they can withdraw their money to buy more dope. The permanent social worker is the one person they all depend on. shows the life of the seven drug-addicted senior citizens in the home, where an unusual and moving story can be found behind every door. All the residents have lost something in life: the love of their lives, contact with family and friends, and above all their feelings. The film deals with unattained desires, and the loneliness of elderly junkies who believe that there is still something good in store for them.