Gabi, Between Ages 8 and 13
Gabrielle is crazy about football. She likes to wear sports clothes, hoodies, and baseball caps. Famous soccer players, with their cropped hairstyles, are her big fashion inspiration. Her best friend Henry has long hair; he's moved to Australia but they still talk regularly on video. Gabi is actually a very ordinary preteen, who has very ordinary experiences. She just doesn’t feel at home with typical gender-affirming appearances and activities. Above all, Gabi just wants to be Gabi.
Debut director Engeli Broberg follows Gabi for five years, from a young girl who doesn’t understand why there should be a difference between boys and girls, to a self-conscious adolescent who increasingly follows her own path, but whose body is also changing under the influence of female hormones.
Broberg simply observes, without wanting to draw conclusions or trying to interpret Gabi’s search for herself. This creates a moving portrait of a growing child, averse to gender norms, who’s seeking an identity and a place in the world.