Jerusalem is Proud to Present
Jerusalem is Proud to Present depicts how in 2006 a specific, emotionally charged point of contention was added to the familiar list of political and religious antagonisms in this city: the organisation of the Pride Parade. The parade, chaste because without nudity, would make a statement across the city about the democratic rights of the gay minority. The organisers, supported by civil rights organisations and the only gay councillor in parliament, run into very fierce opposition. This comes from religious organisations and right-wing administrators who consider the Pride Parade a gross insult of the Holy City. They even hold the gays responsible for the war the country finds itself in. Director Nitzan Gilady successfully enters both camps and through his documentary offers a clear survey of the arguments for and against. Although his sympathies are clearly with the organisers, who are given ample time in the film, he does not lose sight of the reality of the opponents, who can count on concrete support from American rabbis. In the end, the court of justice has the final word. A compromise prevents an outburst of violence, which had been announced in the many threats.