Imagenes de la ausencia
About IDFA
Imagenes de la ausencia
IDFA 1999

Imagenes de la ausencia

Images of the Absence
German Kral
89 min
Festival history

When he was twenty, German Kral moved from Buenos Aires to Berlin, to the country of Rilke’s letters, Nietzsche’s and Wenders’ films - the country where he feels at home. As a beginning filmmaker, however, he reaches a deadlock, and he decides that to overcome it he will first have to tell the story of his family in Buenos Aires, which was never really a family. On old photographs, he looks for signs of love on the faces of his father and mother, who got divorced a long time ago. He interviews them both about their marriage, which was unhappy, and about their relationship with their parents. Kral’s father is a solitary, passive man, who preferred to study and paint quietly instead of doing odd jobs around the house or talking. His mother is a lively woman, who had hoped for a handy, more gregarious husband. After many frank questions and candid, obliging answers, Kral can only conclude that a bond between these highly different people was a difficult, if not impossible task.

World Sales
    HFF München,
    German Kral for HFF München
Screening copy
    HFF München
    HFF München