Welcome to the Heavenly Earth
Musing in a wintry landscape, a man asks his friend whether he ever bets on the right horse. No, he doesn’t, is the reply. If he were to bet, he would bet on ponies. In an apocalyptic-looking area on the edge of the gray North Sea, David, Piet and their friends live a wonderful parallel existence, away from society. It’s a life in which they make music according to their own rules and film and photograph their lives, looking back at these recordings together and discussing them. They hardly participate in our media-saturated society at all. Nevertheless, a letter to the king proves that they do pay attention to reality – sometimes. “The world is not going in the right direction, and the king should do something about it.” Among half-demolished buildings, in deserted, misty streets or in a living room crammed full of musical instruments, these men and women philosophize about life in their universe, where prejudices are always confronted. A life that can be hell, but just as often is marvelous and full of wonder.