4 Short Films on Iraq - Sistani, Losing Faith, Greetings from Sadr City, Shia-istan
Four TV reports that Maziar Bahari made in Iraq after Saddam Hussein's downfall. Bahari speaks with ordinary Iraqis. He visits them at home, talks with them on the street, in tearooms and Internet cafés. In addition to the issues he discusses, with an explicative and interpreting voice-over, he presents a rare glimpse of everyday life in the violent, insecure and plagued country. In he shows the influence of great-ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, the most prominent Shiite leader. Sistani preaches appeasement, but, one after the other Iraqi stresses, when Sistani called people to the jihad, it would happen right away. In many Iraqis call the maltreatment by Americans just as bad as under Saddam. Disillusionment after the initial enthusiasm about Saddam's downfall is the leitmotif of the reports. As in , which sounds out the atmosphere among the Shiite majority, who feel threatened from all sides and are inclined to establish their own state. And in Bahari shows the tough daily life in a sprawling suburb of Baghdad where the militant clerk Muqtada Al-Sadr holds sway.