About IDFA
IDFA 2009


Stephanie Soechtig
Canada, United States
76 min
International Premiere
Festival history

Do you always carry a plastic bottle of water around with you? is a carefully constructed argument against continuing this habit in the future. Bottled water is already more expensive than gasoline, and access to drinking water will become an increasing problem in the near future. In recent years, large companies such as Nestle, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have obtained permission to pump huge volumes of American community water, without paying. gives the floor to people who are concerned about this issue and are taking action against it. The first city we see is in a green and water-rich area, but in the following shot, the water level has sunk dramatically and a drought is imminent. What follows makes it all too clear that the companies who are threatening to take control of American water supplies do not have the public interest at heart. The company spokespeople who appear on camera do nothing to shake that impression, partly because their comments are contradicted by newspaper articles. Researchers explain that poisonous chemicals are not only released during the production of PET bottles, but also when they are used -- meaning they get into the water itself. And then comes the extreme pollution caused by the bottles themselves -- the sea is infested with them.

World Sales
    Cargo Film & Releasing
    Cargo Film & Releasing
Screening copy
    Atlas Films Ltd.
    Atlas Films Ltd.