In the dim bedroom, a foot in a white sock sways back and forth. Rosalie lies on the bed with her stuffed animals, talking about being bullied so badly that she couldn’t see any way out. A little later, we see her in the light, through the camera of her tablet. On the wall is a poster-size photo of her riding a horse.
Sometimes we see the stories of bullying that Rosalie watches online, and we see her typing reactions. Recently, Rosalie has started using the internet to reach out to people who’ve been through it as well—she even Skypes with a couple of them. Talking to them gives her comfort and strength. When the hateful messages started to force their way into her life on Facebook and Instagram, she had nowhere to turn. But perhaps the digital world can also bring her solace.
The entire film takes place within the four walls of Rosalie’s bedroom. Will she gradually start to feel safe there again?