News from Number 10
In NEWS FROM NUMBER 10, director Michael Cockerell, following D. A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus (THE WAR ROOM) and Niek Koppen (DE KEUKEN VAN KOK), takes a look behind the scenes in politics. He films in Prime Minister Tony Blair’s official residence at 10 Downing Street, which is otherwise not accessible to cameras or the public. In passing, Tony Blair occasionally has time for a short conversation, but the attention is mainly focused on his press secretary Alistair Campbell. While the documentary is being shot, the role of former journalist Campbell is becoming more and more a subject of debate in the press. Cockerell follows these developments from the inside. From the preparations for the controversial visit by Russian Premier Vladimir Putin, when photo sessions are minutely orchestrated, to the daily briefings for the lobby journalists, a fixed group of political reporters from all the big newspapers.