Cultures of Resistance
About IDFA
Cultures of Resistance
IDFA 2010

Cultures of Resistance

Iara Lee
United States
73 min
Festival history

On September 21st of each year, people all over the world highlight peace initiatives on what is known as the International Day of Peace. But what do all these projects that were set up by local peace activists and help organizations actually do? And what effect do they achieve? is a journey crisscrossing the world in search of answers to these questions. The filmmakers visit artists and peace activists in a large number of countries where war and violence are fresh in recent memory, if not still going on. They journey to Burma, where monks protest peacefully to call attention to the situation in the country. In Brazil, a musician makes guitars from guns and gives the instruments to young people who use them to make music in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. In Iran, graffiti and rap become tools in fighting back against the regime. Palestinian refugees record the world around them as parts of photo and video projects. In Colombia, 150,000 people gather together at the annual International Poetry Festival. Among all the horrific stories of war and oppression, there is still a glimmer of hope. And here is the proof that art and creativity are effective weapons in the struggle for world peace.

World Sales
    Arthouse Films
    Arthouse Films
Screening copy
    Caipirinha Productions
    Caipirinha Productions