In the Name of the Family
There was global outrage when a 16-year-old Pakistani girl named Aqsa was strangled by her father. But this is anything but an unknown phenomenon in Canada, where the murder took place. Eighteen-year-olds Hana and Alina talk openly about the times their father beat them or spied on them from his car. They decided to get going while the going was good and fled the house. Patricia also attempted to flee with her daughters. Her Egyptian husband hinted that he was far from happy with his two daughters' increasingly Westernized behavior. "It's a totally different freedom [here]." The decision to return home was "the biggest mistake of my life," explains the tearful mother. Like many Muslim men, the father set his daughters an impossible task: to adapt in order to participate in society, but also to satisfy his expectations - otherwise there would be trouble. We also hear the shocking story of a 19-year-old Afghani named Fauzia. Her brother Waheed understood nothing of American culture, of the way his sister dressed. "I had no choice," he explains from prison about the honor killing he attempted. Fauzia was lucky to survive.