Silent Wilderness
About IDFA
Silent Wilderness
IDFA 2016

Silent Wilderness

Stille wildernis
Mathijs Vleugels
60 min
World Premiere
Festival history

Tim was born in 1975 in Seoul, South Korea, and adopted as a baby by a Belgian family with two daughters. In spite of some problems adjusting, which were dealt with lovingly, the boy seemed to be developing well. But then one day, as a 26-year-old psychology student, Tim grabbed his backpack and set off without a passport. He disappeared without a trace, leaving his parents desperate and completely in the dark. This was now 13 years ago, and his parents still have no idea what happened to him. Was it murder, suicide – or could he still be alive? Footage of everyday life in the parents’ home, where Tim’s absence is still acutely felt every moment, is interspersed with excerpts from Tim’s diary illustrated using animation, conversations with people involved in the police investigation at the time, and a trip to the place in Hungary where Tim was last seen. It becomes very clear how his disappearance still weighs heavily on everyone who loves him.

Screening copy
    Inti Films
    Inti Films