Striking Land
Plowing, furrowing, sowing, hoeing, weeding, watering, fertilizing, harvesting. In Portugal, parts of the countryside are still worked by hand and using classic machinery, by a population that is increasingly aging. With neither commentary nor music, Striking Land shows the intimate relationship between those who cultivate the land and forests traditionally and the precious earth itself. In return for the love and patience they devote to their work, they receive food, building materials and beauty.
The camera follows the central figures attentively and precisely, but never intrusively, capturing weathered faces, tanned and wrinkled arms clasping tools, as well as fertile fields of corn and potatoes, lush forests and flowing waters. The sounds of repetitive, almost meditative actions become a kind of heartbeat of nature. To the slow rhythm of this heartbeat, a harmonious life of give and take unfolds, with respect for all living things.