Orçun Ersungur joined the Supervisory Board of IDFA and IBF
Orçun Ersungur joined the Supervisory Board of IDFA and IBF

Orçun Ersungur joined the Supervisory Board of IDFA and IBF

Wednesday, October 2
By Staff

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and IDFA Bertha Fund (IBF) are delighted to announce that Orçun Ersungur has joined the Supervisory Board.

Orçun Ersungur (1992) has been a trainee on the Supervisory Board since 2023 and will officially join the board as of October 1, 2024. 

His traineeship followed his education at the Blikverruimers Academy, an institute and platform dedicated to rejuvenating supervisory boards and commissioners. Orçun is a former corporate law attorney and currently works as a legal counsel in the sustainable energy sector. He has been particularly dedicated to advocating for the empowerment of minorities in society, including in the corporate world, and has extensive knowledge of diversity, inclusion, and social justice.

In addition, Orçun has led various initiatives that form a bridge between the corporate world and societal change in the areas of sustainability, social justice, and empowerment. As a supervisory board member, Orçun emphasizes creating internal and external support and highlighting issues from the perspective of a changing society.

Marry de Gaay Fortman, chair of the Supervisory Board: “During his traineeship, Orçun made a valuable contribution to IDFA and IBF. His appointment strengthens the Supervisory Board with a young, engaged professional who truly has his heart in the right place. Orçun represents a group of ambitious and passionate young professionals, and he can amplify their voice within IDFA. This is of vital importance to us in this rapidly changing world. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Orçun and warmly welcome him as an official member of the Supervisory Board.”

In addition to Ersungur, the Supervisory Board includes Sandra den Hamer, Henk Siebren de Jong, Michael Kembel, Femke van der Laan, and Julia Noordegraaf, under the chairmanship of Marry de Gaay Fortman. Unfortunately, due to his busy schedule, Ramsey Nasr has had to step down from his position on the board.