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Past festival editions
IDFA 2017 festival report

IDFA 2017 festival report

A goodbye, an anniversary, and a record. That sums up the thirtieth edition of IDFA. Leaving founder Ally Derks was awarded with a royal distinction, a party, and a short film, and the festival saw 8,000 more visits than the previous year. Take a look back at IDFA 2017.

Awards and juries

See all winners of our competition programs. 

Award-winners of IDFA 2017

Guest of Honor

Jonathan Harris was the Guest of Honor in 2017, marking the first time the festival welcomed an interdisciplinary documentary artist in such esteem. Read more here.

Jonathan Harris Master Talk

Program publications

Explore the all film titles, program sections, jury members, and more with our 2017 festival catalogue.

The IDFA 2017 Program Guide collected both the general festival program and the extensive industry program in day-by-day schedules and further information.

Festival campaign

The 2017 festival campaign developed by Kessels Kramer

Long reads

Our 30th edition came with a myriad of publishing: on unchartered rituals, documentary cinematography, and interviews with Frederick Wiseman, Kim Longinotto, John Appel, Pirjo Honkasalo, Mila Turajlić, and Talal Derki.