IDFA 2006
The Tea Film (working title)
Gina Leibrecht, Les Blank
Verenigde Staten
65 min
Europese Première
The Tea Film (working title) is a one-hour documentary that follows the world-renowned American tea importer, David Lee Hoffman, to some of the most remote regions of China in search of the finest teas in the world. Not since Robert Fortune clandestinely made his way through the tea-growing districts of China to steal seeds and plants for the British has a foreigner ventured into this hidden countryside, where farmers have been making tea for generations. As the Chinese open their doors to the global marketplace, Hoffman reminds them of this cultural gem that links them, and us, to the distant past, while introducing the west to the artistry and exquisite taste of fine, handmade tea.
Screening copy
Flower Films
Flower Films