Bloody Mondays & Strawberry Pies
Beauty, love, work... Sometimes it just isn't worth getting out of bed for. A substantial part of your life is claimed by boredom. A Wallstreetstockbroker, a desertnomad, the last living female WW2 spy, a painter who has been painting Time for the last 42 years and the first schoolshooter in history Brenda Spencer who, at the age of 16, shot eleven people because: 'I don't like Mondays', are the main characters in this story. Even though boredom has a strong negative feeling, this film pleads passionately for profound boredom as a solution for the 'nothingness' of our existence.
John Malkovich gives voice to the inner bored human being. His fascinating timbre crawls under your skin. How many ways are there to look at the world? What is the most imaginative way of seeing? How many people in the world are like you? The answers are right there in the silent Sahara of your mind.