IDFA Bertha Fund 2009
Gulabi Gang
The Pink Uprising
Nishtha Jain
Noorwegen, India, Denemarken
In one of India's poorest districts, where the state machinery is almost defunct, an unusual group of women is making its presence felt in ways that often have the police, corrupt officials and even errant husbands running for cover, while attracting international attention. Led by 47-year-old Sampat Pal, a home-grown feminist and provocative protagonist, the Gulabi Gang women wear gulabi (pink) saris and carry big sticks…and they do not speak softly! They speak up for women and for dalits, and agitate for better roads and electricity. It's a pink uprising, but is it as rosy as it seems?
Raintree Films,
Final Cut for Real
Raintree Films,
Final Cut for Real