Address: IJpromenade 1
General public opening hours location:
Sun - Thu: 10:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat: 10:00 - 02:00
Contact on location: Catrien Bottger
Location producer: Lotte de Jong - 0645738134
Location managers: Giacomo della Marina, Joris Smit, Leia Kennedy
Floor managers: Sam Felgentreu, Honey Jones-Hughes
Logistics & decoration: Kai Reichert - 0628831392
School screenings: Katja van Andel - 0645741591
In Eye are regular screenings but also many premieres and special programs. Many talks have also been programmed in Eye this year. There are also school screenings in the morning. In the Room at the Top there is a Doclab experience.
- The entire building is wheelchair accessible. The elevator to get to the reception desk is located to the right of the main entrance stairs. All floors of the building are accessible via elevator.
- Assistance dogs are welcome.
- Each cinema has two wheelchair spaces available, but they must be reserved in advance via the chatbox in the lower right corner of or by emailing In Cinema 1 the spaces are in the front row. In Cinema 2 they are in the back row.
- There are toilets for wheelchair users on floors in the basement, on the ground floor, on the first floor, and in the exhibition area.
- There is an induction loop in all four cinemas. If you require a reception box or neck receiver (depending on the hearing aid you use), this can be obtained from the front desk.
- There are two disabled parking spaces in the parking garage of the A'DAM Tower; it is recommended to take the exit 'A'DAM Tower' when leaving the parking garage, which has a wheelchair-friendly automatic outside door.
IDFA producer Kai is responsible for the decoration, together with A-team coordinator Alexander. In the block schedule you can see when decoration and furniture will be delivered at your location. These materials will be collected again at the end of the festival. The location producer will also contact you here. It is good to take a tour of the location beforehand to determine which materials/furniture they allow you to use.
The poster crew visits regularly to hang up new posters at the agreed locations. It is not allowed to put posters everywhere. You coordinate this, filmmakers sometimes want to try to hang their poster.
The distribution coordinator, Laurie, is responsible for distributing programme magazines to put in the racks. You can also call Laurie if you need more snacks.
Lunch: The lunch is all vegetarian and comes in crates. Make sure everyone gets enough lunch. If you have too much or too little, or if lunch is late, you can pass this on to the location producers.
Diner: A caterer brings dinner every day for staff. The numbers are communicated in advance based on the schedule. The evening meal is also completely vegetarian. For volunteers, they can pick up a dinner voucher at the volunteer desk for a number of restaurants in the neighbourhood.
Snacks: You are in charge whether there are still enough snacks and drinks at your location. If it starts to run out, you can order it through distribution coordinator. They have a stock of snacks and drinks. When delivery is made, you can immediately return the empty bottles. Make sure you don't order too little, but also not too much. At the end of the festival we can return unopened packaging. Make sure that these packaging, together with the last empty bottles, are taken to Vondelparkpaviljoen.
Volunteers are scheduled per shift to scan the tickets at the door. You will receive a schedule from the volunteer coordinators every day. For the Doclab programme there will be Doclab volunteers.
Education volunteers
The Education volunteers are informed about their schedule through e-mail. This depends on the start time of the first school programme and differs per location. 30 minutes before the start of the first school programme they are present at the location!
How do we work?
The Education volunteer is there to welcome the schools, moderators and sometimes guests/filmmakers. They wait outside till the school is complete, proactively reach out to teachers and when cokplete, guides the school to the cinema they’re supposed to be in.
- Schools are present no later than 15 minutes before the start.
- The schools are welcomed by the Education person. Make sure to look out for a teacher/supervisor: is everyone complete? Are there still groups of students who have to go to the toilet?
- It is checked whether the school is complete. The school may then, preferably after the moderator has already taken a seat in the room, be accompanied into the room (as whole or) in groups.
- Schools are escorted directly to the hall. Also, when leaving the theatre, they have to go outside as soon as possible; the volunteer / theater employee accompanies them.
- Students who are late can still enter. Ask a teacher to wait outside the location to accompany the student(s).
- Theatre staff and/or Education volunteer/ Education staff accompanies the groups and then guide the groups to the cinema > important to work well together in groups over 100.
- Please note: Education volunteer also ensures timely reception of the moderator and any guest speaker. When school is late: Call the number on the schedule! If a moderator or guest speaker is not on time > Call Katja!
- Afterwards: The students and teachers stay seated until the moderator instructs them to go outside. In small locations it is good if you want to be ready at the hall around the end-time of the programme to keep the doors open and to refer everyone to the exit for a smooth walk-out.
- Moderators ensure that they are on location approximately 15 minutes in advance, according to the schedule they receive, for the school programme to be moderated by them. Names will be placed on the script and can report to education volunteer and/or Education staff. Not present? Education volunteer calls Katja!
- Guest speakers ensure that they are present on location no later than 25 minutes before the end of the show / 10 minutes before the Q&A start. Not present? Education volunteer calls Katja!
Agreements per location
- 30 min Before the start of the first school programme and you are through the staff entrance. You can get a Porto-phone in the IDFA-corner downstairs.
- 15 min Before the start school programme: Students are allowed to enter
- Schools gather at Eye's main entrance.In case of rain, they can wait above under the roof (outside) or downstairs near the bikes.
- Note: Eye is also hosting school groups itself during IDFA, so please check carefully to make sure the right group is with you and place the IDFA group behind pole and cord.
- Coffee / tea / snack are available for you downstairs, in the IDFA booth. Lunch will be delivered on location after 12:00, if applicable.
- A location manager is present. In the morning we discuss with them what we expect for that specific day and how many theatre staff we’ll need to help us.
- In addition to a location manager / volunteer, there may also be an extra volunteer or a staff member from the Education team for large groups.