Address: Roetersstraat 170
Opening hours:
Contact on location:
Location producer: Lotte de Jong - 0645738134
Location managers: Aline, Devaniyo, Thijmen
Logistics & decoration: Kai Reichert - 0628831392
School screenings: Katja van Andel - 0645741591
At Kriterion there will be regular screenings with talks, some premieres and school screenings.
- Wheelchair accessible. The K1 cinema, where IDFA screenings take place, is on the ground floor. There are rooms for wheelchairs in the cinema along the aisles.
- Assistance dogs are welcome.
- A toilet for wheelchair users is available on the ground floor.
- Assistance dogs are welcome.
- There is no telecoil available.
- There are no disabled parking spaces in the neighborhood.
IDFA producer Kai is responsible for the decoration, together with A-team coordinator Alexander. In the block schedule you can see when decoration and furniture will be delivered at your location. These materials will be collected again at the end of the festival. The location producer will also contact you here. It is good to take a tour of the location beforehand to determine which materials/furniture they allow you to use.
The poster crew visits regularly to hang up new posters at the agreed locations. It is not allowed to put posters everywhere. You coordinate this, filmmakers sometimes want to try to hang their poster.
The distribution coordinator, Laurie, is responsible for distributing programme magazines to put in the racks. You can also call Laurie if you need more snacks.
Lunch: You and the volunteers who are entitled to this can join the Kriterion staff for lunch.
Diner: You and the volunteers who are entitled to this can eat with the Kriterion staff.
Snacks: You are in charge whether there are still enough snacks and drinks at your location. If it starts to run out, you can order it through distribution coordinator. They have a stock of snacks and drinks. When delivery is made, you can immediately return the empty bottles. Make sure you don't order too little, but also not too much. At the end of the festival we can return unopened packaging. Make sure that these packaging, together with the last empty bottles, are taken to Vondelparkpaviljoen.
There must always be a volunteer in the room during the film screening. Two volunteers are scheduled per shift. You will receive a schedule from the volunteer coordinators every day. It can be that there are scheduled more due to a large amount of volunteers.